Macerated Strawberries

I’m surprised that some of you don’t know how to macerate strawberries. Does that mean that I watch too many cooking shows? Probably. I’m more than happy to share this simple process to make some yummy syrupy fruity goodness. You can add this to oatmeal, pour it over ice cream, or make Belgian waffles.

Tools and equipment :

01) Chef’s Knife [Any brand should be ok, just make sure you sharpen it!]
02) Measuring Spoons [I have a mix and match of these.]


01) Strawberries [Required!]
02) Sugar [Also required!]

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Grab your strawberries!

Cut off the tops with a sharp knife. If your knife isn’t sharp, then you might want to read my knife-sharpening post

Once you have cut off the tops, feel free to eat any that require it. You have to do a quality inspection right?
Dice up the strawberries. I stand them on the cut top and slice them in two. Then I take one half and slice it into four pieces.

Take those pieces and slice across them at a right angle.

The object is to try and get equal-sized pieces. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it is nicer when you eat it.
Throw all your cut pieces in a container and add sugar.

The sugar helps bacteria to break down the strawberries and release all of their yummy flavors.

I like to also mash the strawberries to make the mixture more jelly-like.

That is it. Let the mixture sit for the sugar to work its magic. I typically let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.  You can try it in your oatmeal!

Until next time

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2 thoughts on “Macerated Strawberries”

  1. Pingback: Instant Pot: Yogurt

  2. Pingback: Amazingly Easy Overnight Cookie Flavored Oatmeal

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