Instant Pot: Yogurt

We love our instant pot or should I say instant pots.  Lubby liked the first one so much that I had to get her another one.  We use them almost every day and we wanted to share some of our better experiments.  This is smooth and creamy.  I won’t eat plain from the store, but this I like.

Tools and equipment :

01) Instant Pot 3QT
OR) Instant Pot 6QT for larger batch
02) Measuring Spoons [I have a mix and match of these.]


01) 2 Tablespoons [TBS] of Yogurt Starter.
We like to use Fage. It must be an unopened container.  Again this is active bacteria and we don’t want to introduce foreign bodies to it.
TIP #1: You will have extra from your container. You can freeze this in plastic bags (get all of the air out) in 2 TBS portions for future use.
TIP #2: No matter how much you are making you only need 2 TBS of starter.

02) 1-quart Ultra Pasteurized Milk.

We are doing a cold start and we HAVE to use ultra-pasteurized… no one is getting sick here.  If doing a larger batch use 1/2 gallon.
03) 1/2 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk.

If using 1/2 gallon of milk use the full can

Also needed

01) Distilled White Vinegar

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The first step is to clean your pot. We are going to grow a culture in this pot and we don’t need any funky extra growth.
Clean your pot with soap and water, and then clean it with Vinegar.

I can’t stress this part enough. Don’t be that person who releases a new plague on society! Once everything is nice and clean, we get to start adding ingredients.
Add your milk

Add your starter. (Ours is in baggy. See we use our own tips.)

Add the sweetened condensed milk

Mix well

Mix really well!

Now cover the Instant Pot but do NOT use the lid. You don’t want to pressure cook, and you don’t want the Instant Pot ring to contaminate what you are making. We just want to create a nice warm environment to encourage growth. The only reason to cover it is to keep things from falling into it and starting a zombie apocalypse. We used a magical shield guard called a plate.

Now push the Yogurt button.

Make sure it is set to normal.

Walk away. Maybe play a game or something. This is going to take a while, or more specifically 8 hours.

Once it is completed the Instant Pot will display “yogt” and that means the growing time is done.

Normally, you want to let this rest in the refrigerator, but here is a quick look at what you’ve got at this point.

Don’t do this with your batch. You don’t want to disturb the yogurt until it has had a chance to set.
Cover the pot with some fancy aluminum and put it in the refrigerator.

Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least four hours to stop the bacteria from doing there thing.
Remove and put into containers or eat it. 🙂

Enjoy with macerated strawberries!

Until next time

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